Basically all the knowledge that I accumulated in my last 5 years of playing amounts to nothing in this mode. 3. Teambuilding is fairly complex if you want to get good at it. dito. So by that time, come back and read more about the facilities then! One thing to keep in mind - not all units need to buff each other! you need 100 matches and 50 wins over the course of 1 season (1 month of 3 preliminaries + finals) to clear the shop. It costs 18k for 1 level 25 CC facility or 54k total, which unlocks +540. Hello and welcome to the 3rd and final day of the Pirate Festival crash course! Red-Hair Pirates. Mispositioning (for example putting your damage carry Snakeman in position 1 for defense) can lead to important units dying within 10 seconds of the battle starting! Whitebeard/Marco, The Fierce Battle at the Paramount War . Some units are just too OP, some units are just good in certain situations, some units you want for a temporary effect and don't mind if they die off early. Azure Rumble Scroll: Glory x3. Some features include the attacking queue on the left side of the screen, as well as showing HP and special charge timers. Il vous suffira de lancer des parties, et de vous rendre à l'un des différents camps pirate afin de compléter le défi. Rare Recruit Limited Characters. Prioritize these powerspikes. I do NOT recommend going above +400 without your Gem Tree maxed, but if you wish, you can also do 60/80/60 split for +500, 80/80/40 split for +500, or 80/80/80 for +540. You are pretty much screwed if you lose your second match and don't plan on gemming. If you're going to use a unit, level 3 ability and 3-5 special is a good baseline. And then repeat step 5 again but versus real players. DEF stat is the most broken stat in the game. Check out the Pirate Festival - EXP table. Crits are a new mechanic that gives 1.5x increase in regular (not special) attacks and is seen as roughly as good as ATK up boost. Last updated: 02/14/2021. If you are not gemming for stamina, whatever you do, do NOT LOSE your matches on day 1. 4. Any Stage-Brandon Cohen 2 days ago. A good defense team must be perceived to be easily beatable, A good defense team must have a win condition. About 20 or so battles and wins should give you materials to get the special unit and its LB materials. the autogenerated teams are weak, as they are based on stats and ignore synergies from rumble abilities and specials. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. Same thing with Blue team's #1 and #2. However stats matter a LOT in PF, so I do not recommend investing resources in RRs and F2P units until you know what you're doing. Blitz Pts 347640 Pts. I just need to read about a line of thought when building a team so I can get the gist of it. Crit is bad at low levels because RNG, but good at high levels because every attack becomes a crit. 3 Level 18 CC facilities will unlock +450 and cost 18k tickets. This is a new game mode added to Global with 10.0.0 version on September 24th. Alternatively 3 level 12 CC facilities will unlock +400 for the OCD and costs 7.1k tickets. What makes or breaks the units are their rumble specials and abilities (and only those two elements can be leveled up). Any Stage-Caldara 2 days ago. Support does not affect PF stats. Put your tankiest units (or units you want dead fast) in positions 2 & 3 when attacking and 1 & 2 when defending. Overwatch Tier List; Overwatch Tier List: Ranked. Guard is another new mechanic, the counterpart to crit, roughly seems to be an RNG chance to trigger a 50% decrease in damage. Aside from the guides I've written, here are some other useful resources (spreadsheets made by yours truly): Gamewith Database. Pick some that synergize well. Remerciements Remerciements Chaîne de Timinou Chaîne de D. coza Chaîne de Towercorner Chaîne de Kaku OPTC Chaîne de Scaragnark Chaîne de Basibidi Chaîne de SkyTrick Chaîne de B-Bro. The Gem Tree just by existing means that there is an opportunity cost with your tickets. Right, I read it, played and lost. I imagine it will be slightly more different on Global given the amount of information that's been published whether here or YouTube, but I think most players still won't know what they're doing at the start. I wouldn't expect many players to read through all that so here we are, some important tidbits highlighted with some links to more detailed reading if you're interested. 15,000ptで. Win streaking matters a LOT. PF stats are determined by raw vanilla OPTC stats (which includes CC and LB stats), as well as sockets, LB nodes and special levels. (missing characters will be added soon.) (Previous game modes were the Story mode, Extra Isle, the Treasure Map, and the Kizuna Clash). I just wanted to say a giant Thank You for all the work and guides you've made on this new mode. There is a MASSIVE spike in cost to upgrade from level 28 to level 29. Legends 6* 6*+ Limited Characters Special Limited Characters. Note that the ranking requirements are for the JP server and may be different for Global (for instance, it might not be top 1k finals for the last upgrade - they might take server sizes into account). New. ATK up increases the damage and is not bad but likewise, DEF up which reduces incoming damage is about as good. 9. Monkey D. Luffy, Gear 4 - Snakeman. Does anyone know why ppl can create teams which I can’t because they go over 300 cost? As a result, you won't have a Grade until after Season 1 ends and thus can't upgrade your facilities beyond level 5 just yet. You gain points for successfully defending against enemy attacks. Since most players play within this time period, you will lose out on a LOT of defenses by not playing immediately. 1. This button will let you customize the battle UI, Don't be in a rush to unlock max level facilities. I haven't figured it out yet (please comment), it seems to briefly remove a unit from the battlefield, not sure how it affects speed/etc. (De)buff specials tend to be fairly useless at low levels, but spike really hard when maxed. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well - more on that below. The Pirate Rumble is the most unique mode introduced in the game so far, and the closest the game gets to a real PvP. Take your units, some cost more than others, position them and have them fight. 17,000ptで. Your strategies change with what other players use. Shanks Crew v CobyMeppo Clash. It took me 180 gems in Season 1 to reach Crimson 1 (unlock max facility levels), while in August Season 4, it would have only taken me around 20-30 gems. Decide on the identity of your team. optc tier list july 2020 Publié le lundi 15 février 2021 03:50 . lets see how it works xD. Furthermore, Season 1 of PF will be the most competitive and most expensive. So feel free to buy those. Same here, I'll judge it after I've played it and I'm happy that OPTC makes an effort to keep the game fresh but this addition seems like a complete different game to me. As of now, there is no way to level up or boost that stat through Rumble EXP, but it can be boosted in battle through some rumble specials and abilities. You also gain points if you successfully defend against an enemy team. Whitebeard Pirates - INT type: Halloween Ace. Any Stage . RR-only KC Limited RR-only Hide KC lim. So the reason why this "cheat sheet" exists is because... well... the other PF guides total up to over 13k words, about... 35 pages? Wiki Guide - Compilation of the individual guides we've written, Pirate Festival - Overview and Ranking Strategy, Pirate Festival - Stats, Buffs and Other In-Combat Mechanics. 1. But since they'll give apologems (which you can use for PF stamina), it's a win-win I suppose? Pirate Festival - Resource Facilities. Whether that was an accurate description or not, I thank you guide creators for hyping me up as well as providing this great guide and I also thank the OPTC devs for trying to spice the game up. 8. 1. look for synergies based around types and classes. Suivez l'évolution de l'épidémie de CoronaVirus / Covid19 dans le monde. Healing is by no means bad, but RCV UP still sucks. Il a les yeux vifs et intenses, les sourcils fortement arqués, et les cil… Hopefully with the Global release, we'll have a comprehensive English database soon. Playing IMMEDIATELY (i.e. You've definitely helped out the community here a lot! The higher your rank, the more points you get. Don't be in a rush to unlock max level facilities. Experiment! Jesus I read all of this and watched so many videos on YouTube about PF already and still dont really know how this shit works But thanks for putting in the work for this guide for us! Blitz Pts Ranking. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Playing IMMEDIATELY (i.e. In order to check your current ranking, please enter your ID (User ID) assigned by this app. 403rd. 10. Any Invasion-reddeath68 9 hours ago. Is your team general purpose? This does NOT mean use a strong team for defense. 4th. Whitebeard Pirates - INT type: Halloween Ace. Aside from the guides I've written, here are some other useful resources (spreadsheets made by yours truly): You can "slowly" Google Translate the entire thing and then use CTRL-F to look for some key terms. On a side note, this first prelim will be the most competitive, so it's a better idea to rank later on. 11. During his last moments, he reminisced about the family he created over his long pirate career. Download a copy of it and play around with it. Note how Red team's #2 and #3 are really close to the blue team. The matches are done on 'auto' and you have no manual control over what will happen. Absolute Almighty Manual x1. At the beginning when you're figuring things out can you just use your attacking team for defending? Promising Rookie. *9-digit number * Includes invalid characters. You are better off using the tickets for other purposes. Jade Rumble Scroll: Glory x3. Some are blatantly wrong/outdated. Knockback is another new mechanic. This may be your primary damage carry, or it may simply be a unit that is super broken. Now maxing out the Gem Tree will take most players perhaps 1.5 YEARS, which might be too long for most people to wait on CC upgrades. Non-farmable filters (Click Non-Farmable Filter Above) Limited RR-only Hide lim. No one knew what each unit did. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. For reference could you give us an example of a well built offense team and go in depth on who it is build around, why you choose the remaining members for synergy and which units could be replaced for other ones? and can still win. Tier 0: God Tier. Gumo Gumo no Sword Breaker: new player friendly. Is your team tanky? Resource Facilities - What should you spend your tickets on? Any Stage-roadrunningistough 2 days ago. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well, In the middle of your first battle, open up settings. RR-only PF Limited RR-only Hide PF lim. target priority and behavior pattern are mostly irrelevant, and resistance is also not very helpful. Pirate Festival - Resource Facilities Costs & Benefits table, Read more here: Pirate Festival - Overview and Ranking Strategy. Rewards for winning include Rumble Tickets and items (flags) that give Rumble EXP that is the only way to level up your Rumble specials and abilities. Fixed Damage. Is your team meant to launch super fast AOE specials to clear the enemy team before they can react? Your Current Ranking. And have fun! [, Thanks for taking your time to put these together. Support Pts 8520 pts. E-Tier: Marduk, Lars, Noctis, Yoshimitsu, Xiaoyu, Armored King, Eddy; F-Tier: Eliza, Gigas, Lei; Which Characters In Tekken 7 Tier List Are Best To Play? Deine #1 für deutsche One Piece Treasure Cruise News, Guides und Diskussionen. Initially I was only excited for the 10.0 update on Global because it allowed players to finally max cotton candies on all stats plus the gem facility giving free gems and thought pvp was a nice bonus. Depending on the unit, you may want to prioritize their ability or special. Garp Challenge Eneru - STR V3 Akainu team. Deine #1 für deutsche One Piece Treasure Cruise News, Guides und Diskussionen. Any Stage-Caldara 7 hours ago. There is a new stat called Speed. Next, choose what kind of CC upgrades you want, then FINISH your Gem Tree before doing anything else: 3 Level 10 CC facilities will unlock +390 (30 CC each) and costs 3.5k tickets. I guess I’m going to see how this teambuilding works when 10.0 goes live. R. Lima . If something doesn't work, try swapping the positions of units. 1 level 25 facility and 1 level 10 facility will unlock +400 (80 ATK and 20 HP) and will cost 19.1k tickets. 450th's Support Pts:8200 pts. An example is the F2P PSY Nami, who does -1 DEF down at level 1 but spikes to -7 DEF down at level 10. Main takeaway: make sure to synergize your units as much as possible. It's a little like autochess or TFT or TABS. Legends are most expensive, with RRs/most F2P units, PF RRs and FN units costing a fraction. I’m using the same units. Read in more detail here: Oh wait we don't have one yet... yeah /u/Gear56 get on it! You can read much more details about those effects at. Legends. You gain more points by beating enemies higher ranked than you (so you want to focus on the 3rd slot whenever possible). i have no clue if it works like this but i pulled OTAMA and because i heard the PF units are good i just did a free spirit team now because Otama boosts that. These 2 units are the ones who will take most damage! Shanks Crew v Sengoku/Garp Clash. 3. In the middle of your first battle, open up settings. - Francis. 1. Dual units have no type, and only have the two classes of their dual form. Just like vanilla OPTC, some units buff types, some units buff classes. Join the Ranking to get great rewards! You can reset opponents indefinitely, so try to find beatable opponents in the 3rd slot. Il fait près de trois fois la taille de Luffy, et est légèrement plus grand que ses frères triplés, Daifuku et Oven, qui sont eux-mêmes déjà très grands. Yamato ⚡ Blitz Pts 462478 Pts. The more popular a team is, the less effective it becomes. I've read a lot of stuff about this... i have understand pretty much nothing. If you are going to by the flags at all, buy the bronze ones. For attack, use the strongest teams you have, for defense, there is an argument for using mediocre teams so people attack you hoping to win and occasionally lose since if you have an OP defense team nobody will attack you except a rare random n00b. Each ranking mission can have one or more of these criteria applied at the same time. 1 loss means you almost lose out on 1 gem's worth of points. 1. 12,000ptで. +300+ CC on your best units won't hurt, either. Any Stage-roadrunningistough 7 hours ago. Whole tier list revamp. Discord; Rare Recruit Checklist. Tier List; Concepts; Alpha 0.2.0 Patch Notes: 0.2.0 . Amber Rumble Scroll: Glory x3. I've said this a few times now, but prelim A will be the most competitive. Try to maintain a 100% win rate in Prelims and 90% win rate in Finals (higher ranks in finals are harder). Dual units are COLORLESS and their types are based on their dual form. My previous experience with pvp in other Gacha games made me hesitant with a true competitive aspect in OPTC since they all boiled down to having best units for the current meta. Promising Rookie ☔️ Shadow. PRIORITIZE your resources! This is because 1) you lose points instead of win points for that battle and 2) your win streak bonus points reset. Robin [Y⚡️S] ☀️〽️AR-92. It allows you to make a team of up to 8 characters that you can match against a similar team of another player, three times a day (or more if you gem). As a rule of thumb, most compositions are usable at 5/5 ability and 4-5/10 special. In order for your ranking to count, you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site (not simply downloading the tier list image). Red-Hair Pirates . This subreddit is mainly for the Global and Japanese version of the game, but also welcomes content for other versions, including Korean, etc. FAQs Overview How to Buy. Your highest rank will also determine the max level of the resource facilities at. etc. "2020, aÑo de la pluriculturalidad de los pueblos indÍgenas y afromexicano" siguenos: Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. Voyage Dream. Hence I recommend maxing the Gem Tree ASAP. Old patch notes deleted do to lack of relevancy to the new list. Pirate Festival - Overview and Ranking Strategy. In this sense, we are talking about PvE and PvP with which you can increase your power to a considerably high level in each mode. This does NOT mean use a super weak team for defense. One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As a result, here is an alternative plan (note that it will cost you SOME gems from delaying the Tree, but you'll get the CC benefits a year earlier). Make a team that people want to attack (ask yourself - would YOU attack it?) December 21, 2020 My thoughts on the Global Sugofest & Inactivity on OPTC. Pirate Festival - Defense Theory. Katakuri est un homme extrêmement grand et musclé aux cheveux courts, violets et pointus. It allows you to make a team of up to 8 characters that you can match against a similar team of another player, three times a day (or more if you gem). Cotton Candy HP Power Up (+100) x1. 16,000ptで. Carrot, A Mystical White Sulong. OPTC Global Accounts. La réponse est peut-être ici ! (until summer 2017) every month or so there is a new ranking opportunity (sometimes two in a month). Is your team built around crit? stats are based on normal unit stats, so make sure your units are max level (99), doh. If you do not clear the enemy within the time limit, it is considered the attacker's loss. 13,000ptで. Swap units around, etc. It will take you MONTHS/YEARS to max out a facility, so there's no need to rush. Everything One Piece Treasure Cruise! You must balance the two. Selling farmed, gem, and fresh accounts for the mobile app game One Piece Treasure Cruise (Global) Buy Now @ EpicNPC. So if you were to gem for stamina at all, gem EARLY, start off at a high rank and coast down later on. Someone who LOSES their 2nd match will end at 1-2 points. View Comments If something still doesn't work well, try using a different unit. Once you're content, try using your team versus real players! Sa bouche, habituellement couverte, contient des dents extrêmement pointues et est capable de s'étendre jusqu'à une taille énorme. Jacobneedsaplug™️. Fixed Damage. Furthermore, you can only successfully defend against an enemy if they can choose you. Special Rare Recruit (Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only Character guaranteed) x1. Meaning that it costs you gems to upgrade other facilities before maxing out the Gem Tree. New World Pirates. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well. You gain points for beating enemy teams and lose points if you lose against enemy teams. Is there a huge difference? 1. Use the damage calculator above. It's a rock paper scissors situation, so if you have a defense in mind that you want to beat, start with an identity of the team that would counter it. This is because at the very beginning, there are very few players ranked, meaning you will start off at the top - meaning you gain more points from 6) above. Blitz Pts 1000001 Pts. I feel like the more I learn the less I know. 14,000ptで. So might want to use dupes of certain old Legends to rainbow them - it matters now with PF stats! More specifically, DO NOT LOSE YOUR SECOND MATCH. For more, see the team building section below. For the PF Shop, the RR tickets and 5 gems are slightly better than or break even at minimum with upgrading the Gem Tree. This comes up fairly often but aside from LB (discussed below), dupes do not level up PF abilities or specials, Read in more detail here: Pirate Festival - Stats, Buffs and Other In-Combat Mechanics, Check out the Pirate Festival - Damage/Stat Calculator. Shanks Crew v CobyMeppo Clash. Combien de temps vous reste-t-il ? 401st. 2 Level 18 CC facilities will unlock +400 (50 CC HP and ATK) and will cost 12k tickets. Farmed Accounts Gem Accounts Fresh Accounts Filter By: New Legends PR Rare Recruits Rare Recruits Reset Filters. Emploi Tourisme - Les entreprises qui recrutent dans l'industrie du tourisme do the three daily battles for Chopperman Rewards! If you spend your tickets else where, it means you have a lower level Gem Tree and get fewer gems. Support Pts 8520 pts. December 21, 2020 One Piece Treasure Cruise New Year's Sugofest. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. Save ranking for one of the latter ones. I have an 8000 word document on this that became outdated within a week so.. yeah. Visiter un camp pirate dans différentes parties est le premier défi de l'événement Butin du Boucanier, et le réussir n'aura rien de compliqué. You are awarded medals for every points threshold you cross, the higher your points, the shinier the medal and the better the prize.
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